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Capital Support is contracted by the Ministry of Health to work with disabled people under the age of 65 and their family, whānau, aiga, or carers, living in the CCDHB area.

The team:

  • identify strengths and support needs
  • outline what disability support services are available
  • determine their eligibility for Ministry-funded support services.


Capital Support allocates Ministry-funded disability support services and help with accessing other supports. These services are then delivered by their respective service providers.


You can refer yourself, or any other person or organisation can make a referral for you, as long as they have your agreement. 

Once Capital Support has your referral, we review your eligibility for Ministry of Health-funded disability support services.  If accepted, we will prioritise the referral by urgency, and contact you to arrange an appointment to complete an assessment. 

What we do

Following acceptance of your referral we will complete a Needs Assessment, then coordinate any identified services.

Needs Assessments

Our team will help you identify your disability support requirements by completing a needs assessment. The goal of the needs assessment is to determine how to maximise your independence so that you can participate as fully as possible in society.

You can choose where this assessment takes place (for example, at home or at hospital), and you are welcome to have a support person present.  A Service Facilitator will meet you, and consider your abilities, resources and goals.  We will work with you to prioritise your needs so we understand what is most important to you. 

Your support needs are reviewed every year, with full reassessments occurring every 3-5 years.  If your needs change, then you are able to request a request a reassessment by completing our referral form.

Service Coordination

Once we’ve assessed what help you need, we will work with you to develop a Support Plan which identifies what you need to support you to live independently. We will help to coordinate, select and organise the services required to meet those needs. Options may include both funded disability support services, and other natural supports available to you in your community.

Depending on your prioritised disability needs, we may be able to connect you with:

  • Home support services – which can help with personal care (e.g. showering, dressing) and household management (e.g. cleaning, laundry, meal preparation).
  • Respite - which allows regular carers to take a break from their caring role.
  • Supported living services – tailored support to help develop independence while living in the community.
  • Residential support services – 24 hour care while living in the community.
  • Behaviour Support – specialists who support carers to help understand the reasons for the behaviour, and develop support strategies to support change.


These services can be supplied using a contracted provider, or you may be able to use people you know.  Every situation is different, so your Service Facilitator will help you to identify the support that best meets your identified needs. 


Eligibility for funding

Disability support is available to people who have a physical, intellectual or sensory disability (or a combination of these) which:

  • is likely to continue for at least 6 months
  • limits their ability to function independently, to the extent that ongoing support is required.

The Ministry of Health does not generally fund disability support services for people with the following conditions:

  • personal health conditions such as diabetes or asthma
  • mental health and addiction conditions such as schizophrenia, severe depression or long-term addiction to alcohol and drugs
  • those more commonly associated with ageing such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • paraplegia and brain injury caused by accident or injury. ACC funds these support services.

In most cases, district health boards fund disability support services for older people, including people who need aged residential care, and those with mental health needs.  Find out more about these services 

Our team

During your assessment you will meet with one of our Service Facilitators.  They are experienced in supporting people with a wide range of disabilities and ages.  Capital Support has Māori and Pacific Needs Assessors/Service Coordinators who are available to work with Māori and Pacific clients if requested.

Frequently asked questions

How can I make a referral?

Please complete our referral form.  Please note that you will need confirmation of your disability from a specialist.  If necessary, we can help you find this information through your medical records. (LINK TO: Referral Form) 

What area does Capital Support cover?

Capital Support supports people in the Wellington, Porirua and Kapiti area (as far north as Peka Peka).  If you live outside this area (e.g. Hutt Valley), please visit the Ministry of Health website for information on your local NASC.

What is a disability?

A disability can be physical, intellectual and/or sensory impairment that is:

  • likely to continue for a minimum of 6 months
  • reduces your ability to function independently, to the extent that ongoing support is required.

Some examples include:

  • Physical e.g. Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, amputation, Motor Neurone, Spina Bifida
  • Intellectual e.g. Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability
  • Sensory e.g. Blindness, Autism

What people/conditions are not covered by Capital Support?

Capital Support does not generally fund disability support services for people with:

Capital Support does not generally fund disability support services for people who are:

  • not New Zealand residents.
  • aged over 65
  • not living the CCDHB area.

Contact Us

Capital Support

Phone: 04 230 6400

Email:  capitalsupport@ccdhb.org.nz

Last updated 2 October 2020.