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Preceptorship workshops


The preceptor workshop is designed for nurses who are working towards or who have achieved proficient level on their Professional Development and Recognition Programme (PDRP) and have been nominated by their Charge Nurse Manager to fulfil this role. It is a Te What Ora Capital ,Coast and Hutt Valley  expectation that all nurses who have attained proficient level on the PDRP attend the preceptor workshop and are actively involved in preceptorship within their clinical area. (Please refer to preceptor policy on Capital Doc.).

The one day workshop meets the National Frame work requirements for precepting graduate nurses and undergraduate students. The workshop integrates theory and practice and enables nurses to confidently fulfil their preceptor role through clinical teaching and assessment within their own area of practice.

It is an expectation of the Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ) (2007) that all nurses provide preceptorship as part of their on-going practice certificate requirements.

Entry requirements

  • Nurses who are working towards or have achieved proficient level on their PDRP
  • Nurses who have been nominated by their Charge Nurse Manager/ Team leader to fulfil this role
  • In the primary health and aged and residential sector all nurses will have access to DHB preceptor programmes to support student and NETP graduate need as indicated by individual Memorandum of Understanding.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the workshop the preceptor will:

  • Define the word preceptor and have a clear understanding of the preceptor role
  • Discuss the preceptor policy and its implications for the preceptee/preceptor
  • Identify the characteristics of adult learning and adult teaching and learning styles
  • Demonstrate critical thinking
  • Provide assessment and feedback utilising NCNZ competencies
  • Recognise and demonstrate the core principles of effective communication
  • Discuss conflict management resolution strategies

Adapted from Preceptoring for Excellence National Framework (2010)

This is an introductory one day Workshop for Preceptors. Te Whata Ora nurses please register through Connect Me and non Te Whata Ora  nurses via email kathy.trezise@ccdhb.org.nz

Class size limited to 20. Tea and coffee provided.

Dates and venues

 2023 Workshop dates

Pre reading and learning styles

There are three articles that you need to be familiar with prior to attending the workshop

  • Burns, C., Beauchesne, M., Ryan-Krause, P., & Sawin, K. (2006). Mastering the preceptor role: challenges of clinical teaching. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 20(3), 172-183.
  • Tanner, C. A. (2006). Thinking like a nurse: A research-based model of clinical judgment in nursing. Journal of nursing education, 45(6).
  • Duchscher, J. B. (2008). A process of becoming: the stages of new nursing graduate professional role transition. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(10), 441-450.

Please contact Kathy Trezise if you are having trouble accessing the reading. 

Workshop facilitator and presenter



Saleifi  Reriti, Nurse Educator
Workforce and Practise Development Unit
DDI: 04 806 0608

cell: 0274919095

email: Saleifi.Reriti@ccdhb.org.nz

Learn from yesterday live for today hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning (Albert Einstein)

Contacting tertiary education providers

Unless there is an urgent issue please do not contact tutors directly. If you do need to contact a tutor please contact the nurse educator for clinical placement for the most suitable person.

Post Workshop Articles and Resources

(these articles are supplied post the course)

  • Preceptoring unsafe students
  • The Professional Practice Knowledge of Nurse Preceptors
  • A Research-Based Model of Clinical Judgment in Nursing
  • The Lived Experience of the Graduate Nurse
  • Transitional Shock
  • Adult learning Styles recapped

Assessment Documentation

Last updated 17 April 2023.