Included in the list to the left are persons who have contributed significantly to the development of cardiological services at the hospital.
Some were not appointed to the staff of the cardiology department but were involved in early cardiac catheterisation, including Verney Cable, Alistair Wilson and Ian Prior.

Heads of the cardiology department were:

  •         Sir Fred Bowerbank, 1926 - 1939
  •         Sir Charles Burns, 1939 - 1944
  •         Reay Mackay, relieving head 1944 - 1947
  •         Sir Charles Burns, 1947 - 1958
  •         Ponty Hallwright, 1960 - 1977
  •         Peter Leslie, 1977 - 1999
  •         Mark Simmonds, 2000 - 2017
  •         Alexander Sasse, 2017 - to date
Last updated 8 October 2021.