1923 - 2013

MB CHB (NZ) 1945, DMRD (EDIN) 1951, FCRA 1964, FACR 1970


After house surgeon and registrar years in Wellington, Alistair went to Edinburgh for PG training in radiology.  He returned to Wellington Hospital in 1952 as whole-time Radiologist

Alistair was involved with all but the first two cardiac catheterisations undertaken at the hospital, and well recalls the first venous angiogram, performed on 9/6/53.  The patient was a 50yr old woman with calcification in the posterior mediastinum and the angiogram confirmed a diagnosis of aortic aneurysm.  The 8x8" films were taken using a modified Fairchild aerial mapping camera following injection of contrast into Robb-Steinberg needles in each arm.
A strong interest in cardiac radiology persisted throughout his career.  He worked closely with the cardiologists and personally reported on angiographic studies for most of his time at the hospital.

Alistair played a key role in advising and overseeing successive upgrades to cath lab angiographic facilities.  He retired in 1989.

Last updated 8 October 2021.