There are many reasons why midwives step out of the profession for an extended period of time. it may be to travel, family commitments, or an opportunity in another career.

At Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley we are committed to supporting midwives wanting to return to clinical practice. 

Fitness to practice will be decided by the Midwifery Council of New Zealand and educational requirements will differ depending on the number of years that you have been out of clinical practice. 

Once an individual plan is made by the Midwifery Council, we can support your return to the midwifery workforce.

Our midwife educators and clinical coaches are experienced in supporting midwives who require formalised assessments and to regain their clinical confidence.  


If you would like to discuss a return to practice programme with the Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley District please email or phone 027 836 0294.

Last updated 15 February 2023.