On this page:

To obtain or renew Lead Maternity Carer access

For LMC access agreement at Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley facilities (Wellington Hospital, Hutt Hospital, Kenepuru and Paraparaumu Maternity Units), complete the following documentation.

Access holders will be requested to update their information yearly by 31st March, to ensure they are compliant with national and regional access requirements.

Send all access emails to both: RES-WHA@ccdhb.org.nz; access.agreements@huttvalleydhb.org.nz


Access the District Docs Maternity Folder

New or Renew Access Holder



  • National Access Agreement
    Complete and sign the national access agreement, with the names of two referees, along with the information in the following sections.



ANNUALLY by 31st March, provide copies of all forms for the districts facilities you would like access to.


1. Attach with a legible photo/scan (all pages) of:

  • Current APC
  • Indemnity Insurance
  • Vaccination proof (or confirm acceptance of condition of entry. Email carolyn.coles@ccdhb.org.nz for details).
  • Complete the Children’s Worker Safety Check (see below*).

2. Children's Worker Safety Check
All access agreements require a current Children’s Worker Safety Check.

If you are employed by Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora – this can be accessed by your HR department. If you require an updated safety check, please complete NZPVS form (see NZCOM completing guide) and return with access forms.


3. ICT and Security Access
The following information is required for computer and security accesses for each site:

Wellington Hospital, Kenepuru Maternity and Paraparaumu 
Complete the below forms and return to: 

Hutt Valley Hospital

Complete the below forms and return to: 


Access Holders Handbook


LMC Access Holders Handbook

Click here to access to the LMC access holders handbook for Capital, Coast (Hutt Valley to follow shortly).

This handbook contains information about Te Whatu Ora maternity facilities and services. You will be able to find the administrative documents you need to complete, how to access ICT systems, hospital parking available to LMCs, the multidisciplinary forums you can participate in and how to refer people to relevant services.


    Accessing policies, guidelines and forms


    Accessing policies, guidelines and forms

    Up to date policies, guidelines and forms are now held on the Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley District Docs site. To access these, please logon to Citrix using your Te Whatu Ora user name and password. 

    Set up your Multi-factor authentication the first time you access outside the hospital on this site.




    Accessing and signing off your lab results in Concerto / MAP


    Accessing and signing off your lab results in Concerto/MAP

    LMC access holders are required to sign off any requested laboratory results in Concerto/MAP to ensure no results are left uncaptioned. To access these, please logon to Citrix using your Te Whatu Ora user name and password (see link below).


    See Captial and Coast MAP instructions to monitor unsigned results and divert results when you are away:


    User Instructions for managing results in Concerto/MAP:


    Homebirth Support

    homebirth icon

    Homebirth Support 

    As part of a maternity quality improvement activity Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley will be providing homebirth consumables and loan equipment for use in the community by Lead Maternity Carers.  


    Lead maternity carers who have access agreement and have clients planning a homebirth can be supplied with birth packs, loan pools, pool liners, and pool covers, by completing the form below and returning it to our Maternal Health Co-ordinator team.

    How to order homebirth consumables or loan equipment: 

    Order information:


    • Orders can be sent any time but will only be processed after 32 weeks gestation (to ensure equitable access). 
    • Minimum three days between order and pickup
    • Order will be confirmed by email by the Maternal Health Co-Ordinator team - please do not collect without confirmation
    • Equipment must be collected and returned by LMC (or midwife / medical representative) – loan equipment agreements are with the LMC
    • For midwives who support high numbers of water births, you can order disposable liners and covers for your own birth pools if that is preferable.  


    IOL Project


    Whānau IOL Care Plan

    Link to Whānau IOL Care Plan


    Last updated 7 February 2025.