Born Sunderland, England 29 Jan 1931 
Educated at Bede Grammar School, Sunderland HP, Royal Victoria Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne (Professor Donald Coutt), and HS, Newcastle General Hospital (Mr S Fegetter) 1955 - 1956 Regimental Medical Officer, Queen's Own Nigeria Regiment, Ibadan, Nigeria 1957 - 1958 Medical Registrar, Sunderland General Hospital 1959 Medical Registrar, Newcastle General Hospital 1960 - 1962 Medical Registrar, Hutt Hospital, Lower Hutt 1962 - 1964 Fellow in Radiation Oncology, Christie Hospital and Holt Institute, Manchester, England 1965 - 1966 Radiotherapist, Wellington Hospital 1967 - 1971 Physician-in-Charge, Nuclear Medicine Department, Wellington Hospital 1971 - 1978 Specialist, Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Saint John Regional Hospital, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada 1978 - 1996 Chief of Nuclear Medicine, Saint John Regional Hospital 1978 - 1996 Lecturer in Nuclear Medicine, Dalhousie Medical School 1978 - 1996 Provincial Medical Advisor, Atomic Energy Board of Canada photograph courtesy Joe Wallace |