Born Christchurch 7 Aug 1943 
Educated at Palmerston North Boys High School, Mana College and at Christchurch Boys High School FRCP (Lond) 1997 HS / HP, Wairarapa and Palmerston North Hospitals 1971 MRC Training Fellow, 1972 - 1975 Paediatric Registrar, Auckland Hospital 1976 - 1977 MRC Fellowship 1978 - 1979 Clinical Geneticist, Wellington Hospital 1980 - 1989 Locum Consultant, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, England 1990 Senior Lecturer, Auckland University 1991 - 1993 Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, England 1993 - 2003 Consultant in Clinical Genetics and Clinical Director, Genetics and Laboratories, Birmingham Women's Hospital 2003 - 2014 Emeritus Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Oxford University Hospitals, 2014 - present President, Human Genetics Society of Australasia 1986 - 1988 President, Wellington branch NZMA 1987 President, Wellington branch Crippled Children Society 1986 - 1988 Having undertaken his first programming course in Fortran II in 1963, Cyril has a major interest in medical computer programming. He developed the original widely sold pedigree software for geneticists (Cryllic). Subsequently authored ClinicalPedigree, and he remains involved with that. photograph courtesy Cyril Chapman |