Born Wellington 19 Sep 1902 . Died Wellington 30 Aug 1959 
HS/HP, Wellington Hospital 1926/27 RSO, Radcliffe Infirmary, & Hertford County Hospital 1928 - 1929 Returned to Wellington in 1930. Honorary Visiting Anaesthetist, Wellington Hospital 1930 - 1932 Clinical Assistant, Orthopaedics, Wellington Hospital 1932 - 1936 Honorary Visiting Children's Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1936 - 1939 Visiting Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1940 - 1945 In 1945, with the return from active service of a number of surgeons, he would be requested to take on an Assistant Surgeon role. He was unhappy to agree to this, so he resigned. Thereafter, he remained in private surgical practice. photograph courtesy J O Mercer collectionObituary: NZMJ 1959 56:677