3DHB Health Pathways make it easier for GPs to assess, manage and refer patients to hospital or specialist services. It also ensures patients receive the right care, at the right time, from the right place.

There are now more than 420 localised health pathways available. The pathways are developed by consensus and collaboration between hospital clinicians and general practice teams from the Wairarapa, Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast areas.  

3DHB Health Pathways provide web based guidance for primary care clinicians and promote consistency in how GPs to assess, manage and refer patients to hospital or specialist services.


Benefits of 3DHB Health Pathways

For patients

  • Get the right treatment at the right time, closer to home
  • Supports optimal health outcomes

For clinicians

  • Supports delivery of consistent, quality care
  • Increases clinician confidence and knowledge
  • Effective communication between clinicians

For the system

  • Reduces demand on secondary services
  • Enablers of wider integration programme
  • Supports whole system efficiency

3DHB Health Pathways are regularly evaluated to understand whether they have been implemented as intended and if they have achieved the expected outcomes.

HealthPathways is the most significant aid to GPs in the last 30 years” – PHO representative and GP
“Health Pathways is almost always my first place to go” – GP
“[HealthPathways] gives us a common language…. you have more credibility in discussions with doctors” – Community Nurse
“Yesterday new pathways were added. It’s a good reminder to think about things. I’ll go do a refresher on what's required at a first antenatal visit” – GP

Last updated 3 April 2024.