Born Dunedin 15 Dec 1927 Died Porirua 30 Oct 2017 
HS/HP, Palmerston North Hospital 1953/54 Surgical Registrar, Bangour Hospital Edinburgh 1956 Surgical Registrar, Farnborough Group Hospitals, Kent 1957 (general & paediatric surgery) Senior Registrar, Charing Cross Hospital London 1958 Registrar, St Mark's Hospital for colon and rectal diseases 1959, working with William Gabriel, Sir Hugh Lockhart-Mummery, Sir Clifford Naughton Morgan & O V Lloyd-Davies. Surgical Tutor, Wellington Hospital 1960-61 Senior Admitting and Casualty Medical Officer, Wellington Hospital 1962 Visiting General Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1963 - 1992, working in Ward 27 initially with Richard Orgias, and after he retired, with Alan Anderson for the next 20 years. With Ken North, Endocrinologist, developed regional service for the treatment of parathyroid diseases. After Alan Anderson's retirement in 1988, moved to Ward 29 in the new Clinical Services Block, sharing that ward with John McIlwaine and Bill Shirer. photograph courtesy Wellington Hospital photographic archive