Born Ayr, North Queensland 23 Nov 1941 
Educated at Camberwell High School, Melbourne HS / HP, Middlemore Hospital, Auckland 1965 HS / HP, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Auckland 1966 Registrar, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Auckland 1967 General practice locums, Auckland 1968 Full-time general practice, Melbourne 1968 - 1969 In the UK 1970 - 1971 whilst husband Max undertook his surgical training Locum general practice, and regular sessional work, including industrial medicine, police medicine and MOT blood alcohol duties 1971 - 1975 Medical Officer, Arohata Borstal and Prison, Wellington 1971 - 1975 Senior Acident and Emergency Officer, Wellington Hospital 1975 - 1976 Foundation Medical Officer, Kenepuru Hospital Accident and Emergency 1978 - 1981 Radiotherapy Registrar, Wellington Hospital 1981 - 1982 Senior Medical Officer, Accident and Emergency Department, Hutt Hospital 1982 - 1984 Medical Officer, Accident Compensation Corporation 1985 - 1988 General Manager, Injury Prevention, ACC 1988 - 1991 Manager, Back Study Project, ACC 1991 - 1992 General Practice in Waikanae, 1993 - 1998 photograph courtesy Barbara Lovie |