Born Wellington 1869 Died Wellington 23 Jan 1959 
Educated at the Thorndon Classical School and Wellington College. Medical studies in Edinburgh. RMO, Royal Hospital for Children and Women, London, 1893 Medical Superintendent, Hinckley Small Pox Hospital, Leicestershire, 1894 - 1895 Returned to Wellington 1895 Honorary Visiting Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1905 - 1929 WW1 service In 1921, he bought a large house at 33 Hobson St and converted it into a 25-30 bed Hospital which had a large operating theatre. It was a successful concern until high maintenance costs forced its closure after WW2. Chairman of Council, NZ branch BMA 1913 - 1914, 1915, 1917 - 1918. President, 1922 - 1923 photograph courtesy J O Mercer collectionObituary: NZMJ 1959 58:212 |