Born Nottingham 10 Apr 1861 Died Wellington 30 Aug 1895 Educated at Nottingham High School Studied medicine at the London Hospital and at Aberdeen University 
Resident Surgeon, Nottingham Dispensary 1883-1885 In May 1885 sailed as ship's surgeon on a steamer that traded with China. Signed off 25 Sep 1885 Travelled to NZ with his brother in 1886, and decided to settle there. Set up practice in Petone. Returned to England in 1894 for postgraduate study at the London Hospital, Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, Soho Square Lock Hospital and in the Pathology Department at the Great Northern Hospital. After passing the MRCS examinations, travelled to Europe visiting major hospitals in France and Germany. Returned to NZ in February 1895. Photograph courtesy Barbara SimonsLooked after Dr Collins' practice while Dr Collins travelled to England. Honorary Surgeon, Wellington Hospital 1895 Obituary: NZMJ 1895 8:290 |