As part of wider hospital copper pipe replacement programme we are replacing all copper pipes to every sink and shower in the Maternity Department, 4th floor of Wellington Regional Hospital.

The plumbing work will mean that there will some disruption to the birthing suite and maternity ward over the next year.

As the work progresses through the birthing suite, we will need to  temporarily close some birthing rooms. In order to manage the decrease in birthing rooms, women undergoing Planned Caesarean Section will be admitted and prepared for surgery in 4NM (the maternity ward).

Women admitted for induction of labour will begin their induction in a shared room until labour begins. This means that support people or partners will be unable to stay the night if the woman is not in labour. Partners/support people are welcome to stay once labour begins and they will be transferred to a single room.

This temporary re-organisation of available space may mean that, in some instances, well women will be asked to transfer to another Wellington-based hospital after having their baby, or to opt for a safe early discharge.

There will be tradespeople in and around the area and drilling from time to time. The team are used to working in the hospital and are sensitive to the privacy needs of our patients.

Thank you for your patience.

Last updated 18 September 2023.