Assistants to matrons in earlier eras were appointed, and where known appear in the lists of office holders. More is known about who held such roles during the tenure of Gloria Grattan. Their names and approximate tenures are presented here. Where details of their careers are known, these can be viewed by clicking on the relevant link.
Barbara G Shadbolt 1971 - 1974 Elizabeth Brenda Cranswick 1971 - 1974
Alison Margaret Pitts 1974 - 1981 Elizabeth Anne Bonner 1975 - 1976
Sheila Mahony 1974 - 1989 Joy Motley 1979 -
Pirihara Simpson 1982 - Pauline Chappell 1982 -
Rosalie Mary French 1982 - Sylvia Wood 1987 - 1989
Margaret Doyle 1988 - 1989